
17 October 2023

Four Step Plan for the Future of Humanity

Four Step Plan for the future of Humanity

1. Create a new Declaration of Independence. No government in the world is worthy of keeping, none of them represent the will of their people. 

2. Create new government based on #DirectDemocracy and Natural Law. This is the only way the people can truly rule and all laws must be based in Natural Law. 

3, Create a new economic model based on gifting and sharing instead of trade. No one can use their wealth to manipulate the society since there will be no hierarchy. 

4. Get people to join the new society. 

That is the path forward for the Human species, anything else is a step backward in time and the end of our species. It is time we evolved.

25 August 2023

The "Is this Capitalism" Litmus Test

1. Are your corporations and businesses for-profit? If yes, Capitalism.

2. Do you have a stock market? If yes, Capitalism.

3. Are there people who "earn" a living from the labor of others? If yes, Capitalism.

4. Are workers (you know, the people that make the society function) considered a cost (a negative in the accounting books) in your society? If yes, Capitalism.

5. Are people pursuing their own best interests? A few examples of this may be a business owner "laying off" his workers and moving production to a cheap labor country, a politician accepting a "donation" from a Billionaire and writing legislation which benefits that individual, or a drug dealer selling drugs on the street. If yes, Capitalism.

If you've answered yes to most, if not all of the above, you do indeed live in a Capitalist society. Stop listening to the Capitalists who own your media and your government that it is anything otherwise.

28 July 2023

The Reptilian Conspiracy Theory

Has everyone heard of the "Reptilian conspiracy theory"? In case you haven't, here's the basis and history of it: It's pretty much a right wing theory, but I wanted to expand on it a bit just as a fun exercise.

So, anyone that is aware of reptiles know they are cold blooded creatures, or at least I hope they do, which means that they prefer hot weather, they do not function well in the cold. The theory goes that these reptile people, or Humans being controlled by reptile people, are in control of government and other high places in our society.

Everyone with me so far?

Now the hard part for right wingers; what if these reptile people want to increase the global temperature by burning fossil fuels so that they are more comfortable and don't need to worry about the cold? They would be terraforming our planet for their use, which would mean the end of us as we die off in a mass extinction event (Humans can't survive in very hot climates). This would explain why those in government refuse to do anything about it and why some of the media promote the idea that this is normal and nothing to worry about.

So, Climate Change or Global Warming is real, and the reptile race is creating it to displace us Humans and inherit the world.

Have a nice day!  

24 July 2023

Acts of Climate Disobedience

Driving? Then slow down. 

During the 1970's the speed limit in the US was reduced to 55 MPH, the reason? To conserve fuel. This was done at the time due to the oil embargo. 

So why 55? Simple physics, for every 5 MPH you go above that speed, you consume 5% more fuel, this is due to Drag ( 

Simply by slowing down our speeds, we accomplish two things: 

- A reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels, thus reducing CO2 levels. 

- We hurt Big Oil and other related industries profits. 

This does not mean drive 55 in the left lanes! Civil Disobedience needs to target the wealthy and corporations, pissing off ordinary people who we want on our side is not the correct direction to go, and anyone promoting it is likely an agent working to sabotage the movement. It is also dangerous and could potentially cause an accident, the last thing you or anyone wants to be involved in. 

Open the windows! 

Humans lived without air conditioning for millions of years, you don't need it on while driving or sitting at home. Air conditioning requires a lot of energy. 

Stop spraying your lawns with cancer causing chemicals! The bees and other pollinators depend on those "weeds", make them happy and yourself healthy by not using them. 

Reduce your consumption! 

Whenever possible, buy used from second hand stores, garage sales, flea markets, etc..., you'll save money, reduce your carbon footprint and hurt the Capitalists who only care about profit. 

Make Salt! 

A reference to Mahatma Gandhi's Salt March where he created salt by evaporation, an act of non-violent civil disobedience against the British who imposed a salt tax on the Indian people. Instead of creating salt, grow your own food, and gift it to neighbors and those in need. Plant food bearing plants and trees everywhere! 

And finally, we need to begin looking at creating new parallel systems of government and economy, the current system owners are never going to change, only revolution will fix the problems we are faced with, but in order for it to work, the majority of people need to accept the idea. I promote self or direct rule, a #DirectDemocracy, where so called "representatives" are removed from the equation. I also advocate for gifting and sharing instead of the competitive trade based economics we have today. Unless we remove these corrupt hierarchies, we will always be subservient to them. 

The time for begging for change is at an end, it is time we create the change, in a positive manner in which others can accept, to fix this problem. 

10 April 2020

Direct Democracy

First, let me tell you that the Billionaire owned government and media that you have today and the Democracy™ that they promote is not Democracy at all, it is Aristocracy, Oligarchy, Plutocracy sprinkled with a little Kleptocracy. If you have not read it yet and do not see this, see my post on How to Become a Freethinker ( for more on how to break out of The Matrix that they have created and you have been indoctrinated in to. 

Implementing and maintaining a true Direct Democracy is a lot easier than most would believe or those in power would like you to believe.  In the US, there is already Direct Democracy in practice at the state and local levels and we have the technological know-how to implement it at the nation level today.

First step is do not ask for your leaders to support it, they never will, or the version of Direct Democracy that they will give you will be more Democracy™. If you truly want the will of the people, the existing power structure must be completely ignored. Just hit the mute button on your internal remote and when enough people have done this, they will just slink away back under the rock from which they crawled.

Building a Direct Democracy from the Ground up

A Direct Democracy can start small, at the local level, and grow from there, it can be a simple show of hands, yeas and nays, votes written on paper and eventually grow into a online system of voting which can be done from any computer or mobile device.  It can start in your town or city, grow to regions and states, nations and even the entire world (which is where we need to go if we are to advance to the next stage of Human evolution). 

So how would a Direct Democracy online work exactly?

1.  Election software that is open source, no more putting your blind faith in proprietary software vendors (100% owned by a few families). There are many open source software projects currently available today or in the works (see 
2.  Software based on blockchain technology and using the highest encryption mechanisms available (and feasible to use). 
3.  A voter can use any computer or mobile device to vote and is as secure as your online bank. 
4.  Election day would be a mandatory paid holiday (in the event we are still using money), any citizen that absolutely must work that day must be given time to vote during their work shift.
5.  All votes must be recorded and made publicly available.  This is the ONLY way that the system can ever be 100% trusted.  Anyone found to be taking action against another individual for their vote should be sentenced to prison.  People should NOT be afraid of how they vote and black box voting is the surest way to manipulate election results.

So how is legislation created and how in a nation of millions does voting not become overwhelming by so many bills? 

At the state and local levels of government in many nations, this is already in place. A proportion of the population, typically 5%, must agree on a piece of legislation being passed on to be voted on. This can all be done online and similar bills can be consolidated using AI. 

Lastly, the only way a Direct Democracy can ever work is by ridding the world of the other part of every society that can be used to manipulate it; the economic system.  As long as a few individuals can hoard enormous wealth, they can and will use that wealth to manipulate even Direct Democracies (as evidenced by the vote buying in the ancient Greek Democracy).  See my post on a Gift Economy ( for the solution to that problem.

This document is a living document and will be updated as new information becomes available so check back regularly for updates.

Gift Economy

Gift Economy

How does a Gift Economy work and what is not part of a Gift Economy? 

Once you talk about credits or ledgers, you are no longer talking about a gift economy, it is just another way around talking about money.

This is how a true gift economy works:

Individual A is a barber, he cuts Individual B's hair. Individual B walks out the door, thanking Individual A.
Individual B is a truck driver, he picks up food from Individual C and delivers it to Individual D at the grocery store.  Individual D stocks the shelves, opens the doors and in walks Individual A who picks up what he needs and leaves.

See something familiar in all of this?  It operates the same as our current money based economic system, the difference is there is no money, no credits, no ledgers, no barter; this is the true essence of a gift economy. A gift economy is not Christmas, which is in fact based on trade (I give you a gift, you give me a gift). A gift economy is about giving without an expectation of something in return which is different than a trade based model in which something is expected. You will never give more than you receive in a gift economy. 

So you might ask, what if Individual E does not contribute but only consumes?  Good question.

This is where Individual F comes in who is a psychiatrist, individuals that do not contribute to the society and are in fact anti-social likely have some issues that may need looked after. The lack of interest we see in the world today to contributing are due to the system of slavery we are in today. People want to be free, not be slaves, and by removing the system of slavery from the equation, people will want to gift in ways they are happy with. It may take a generation for the effects of the monetary system to dissipate and that is why there will be the need for mental and emotional therapy.

Now on to the benefits, which are major.

- There is no debt, since there is no tracking. No more worrying about "paying the bills".
- All jobs that had to deal with money or ledgers, or serving others (unless the individual decides to do that work), are all eliminated, thus reducing the number of jobs by half. The work week when everyone contributes is reduced and there is more time for leisure, family, friends, to learn new skills and hobbies.
- Automation of jobs will no longer be feared, but embraced, especially when it comes to jobs that no one wants to do.
- Goods will be created with the best materials to last as long as possible, thus reducing the amount of work involved in the long run.  They will also be engineered to be as close to 100% recyclable, upgradeable or otherwise reusable as possible to conserve our natural resources.

Sharing Economy 

I wanted to mention another type of economy which is based on sharing. A Sharing Economy is also a Gift Economy, allow me to give an example. 

A new VacTrain is produced and gifted to the society as a whole, it is not gifted to an individual like food or clothing are as it will be used by many people. Everyone that rides on that VacTrain is in fact sharing that gift and it can be shared many times over. 

No system is without problems and that also goes for the Gift Economy, there will always be jobs that no one wants to do, and until those jobs are fully automated, we will all have to share in the burden.

For how people would organize and make decisions in a Gift Economy, see my post on Direct Democracy here (

This document is a living document and will be updated as new information becomes available so check back regularly for updates.

24 October 2018

How to become a Freethinker

How to become a Freethinker

Warning:  Becoming a Freethinker is not something to be taken lightly, it is as world shattering as when Neo took the red pill in The Matrix, you will forever look at the world in a completely new way and others will distance themselves from you as they have not been "unplugged".

The intent of this writing is not to rewrite what has already been written (Freethinking goes back thousands of years) but to introduce you to some of the more prominent methods of Freethought.

First, turn off the TV and the radio, you will know when you are ready to turn them back on and when you do, you will see them in a completely new light.  Television and radio are all owned by a few families and they are not to be trusted, people are easily manipulated by these forms of media.  Those forms of communication center on the first brain (also known as the Crocodile Brain), where our need to follow leaders and aggression come from.

Learn more:  

Next step and by far the most difficult step will be learning how to pick apart what you are reading.  You can do this by studying Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit (  If you are a religious type and believe Science and Scientists to be bad, this will be your first test.  You cannot become a Freethinker if you reject Science!  Many people have a misconception about what Science is so let me explain what it is and is not.  Science is for all intents and purposes, understanding the universe in which we live.  That's it, nothing mystical about it!  Let me give you a few examples:

-  The first time man decided cooking meat using fire was more tasty (and safer) than eating raw meat, he was using Chemistry.
-  The first time man found that a round wheel worked far better than other shapes, he was using Physics.
-  For a more modern example, your car, it is completely based on Science, from the materials which make it up, to the fuel used in an explosive combustion (inside the engine, Chemistry) which is used to propel the vehicle forward (Physics).

Science is not a belief system, many Scientists are religious or spiritual so don't believe the propaganda which is being used to deceive you.

After you have studied and understand what to look for, read, read more and read everything.  Interested in a topic, search on it, read from many different sites.  Do not read material that only backs up your worldview!  You must read from every source and get your information from opposing points of view.  You WILL find yourself getting angry!  This is normal, your brain is hard wired to protect its sense of reality, it is called Cognitive Dissonance.  When you find you are becoming emotional, stop, take a break, relax, once you are relaxed, get back to it.  Think about what you are reading and what might the writer be using to influence you?  What might the writer be motivated by?  Is the writer being paid for this or doing it to protect his or her place in society?

Systems thinking

Another very beneficial way of thinking is called Systems or Systemic Thinking.  With Systems Thinking, localized thinking is rejected in pursuit of the root causes.  For example; a woman has an abortion.  First thing that may come to some minds is that abortion should be made illegal but what is not looked at is the underlying systemic root cause.  No one bothers to look deeper, if they did, they would find that the child has been found to have a very serious birth defect and would not survive long after birth, living a painful existence in the meantime.

What is important to Freethinkers is finding the truth and this can take a lot of work, intellectual laziness is not an attribute of a good Freethinker but once you become one, you will see the world in an entirely new light.

This document is a living document and will be updated as new information becomes available so check back regularly for updates.