
17 October 2023

Four Step Plan for the Future of Humanity

Four Step Plan for the future of Humanity

1. Create a new Declaration of Independence. No government in the world is worthy of keeping, none of them represent the will of their people. 

2. Create new government based on #DirectDemocracy and Natural Law. This is the only way the people can truly rule and all laws must be based in Natural Law. 

3, Create a new economic model based on gifting and sharing instead of trade. No one can use their wealth to manipulate the society since there will be no hierarchy. 

4. Get people to join the new society. 

That is the path forward for the Human species, anything else is a step backward in time and the end of our species. It is time we evolved.

25 August 2023

The "Is this Capitalism" Litmus Test

1. Are your corporations and businesses for-profit? If yes, Capitalism.

2. Do you have a stock market? If yes, Capitalism.

3. Are there people who "earn" a living from the labor of others? If yes, Capitalism.

4. Are workers (you know, the people that make the society function) considered a cost (a negative in the accounting books) in your society? If yes, Capitalism.

5. Are people pursuing their own best interests? A few examples of this may be a business owner "laying off" his workers and moving production to a cheap labor country, a politician accepting a "donation" from a Billionaire and writing legislation which benefits that individual, or a drug dealer selling drugs on the street. If yes, Capitalism.

If you've answered yes to most, if not all of the above, you do indeed live in a Capitalist society. Stop listening to the Capitalists who own your media and your government that it is anything otherwise.

28 July 2023

The Reptilian Conspiracy Theory

Has everyone heard of the "Reptilian conspiracy theory"? In case you haven't, here's the basis and history of it: It's pretty much a right wing theory, but I wanted to expand on it a bit just as a fun exercise.

So, anyone that is aware of reptiles know they are cold blooded creatures, or at least I hope they do, which means that they prefer hot weather, they do not function well in the cold. The theory goes that these reptile people, or Humans being controlled by reptile people, are in control of government and other high places in our society.

Everyone with me so far?

Now the hard part for right wingers; what if these reptile people want to increase the global temperature by burning fossil fuels so that they are more comfortable and don't need to worry about the cold? They would be terraforming our planet for their use, which would mean the end of us as we die off in a mass extinction event (Humans can't survive in very hot climates). This would explain why those in government refuse to do anything about it and why some of the media promote the idea that this is normal and nothing to worry about.

So, Climate Change or Global Warming is real, and the reptile race is creating it to displace us Humans and inherit the world.

Have a nice day!  

24 July 2023

Acts of Climate Disobedience

Driving? Then slow down. 

During the 1970's the speed limit in the US was reduced to 55 MPH, the reason? To conserve fuel. This was done at the time due to the oil embargo. 

So why 55? Simple physics, for every 5 MPH you go above that speed, you consume 5% more fuel, this is due to Drag ( 

Simply by slowing down our speeds, we accomplish two things: 

- A reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels, thus reducing CO2 levels. 

- We hurt Big Oil and other related industries profits. 

This does not mean drive 55 in the left lanes! Civil Disobedience needs to target the wealthy and corporations, pissing off ordinary people who we want on our side is not the correct direction to go, and anyone promoting it is likely an agent working to sabotage the movement. It is also dangerous and could potentially cause an accident, the last thing you or anyone wants to be involved in. 

Open the windows! 

Humans lived without air conditioning for millions of years, you don't need it on while driving or sitting at home. Air conditioning requires a lot of energy. 

Stop spraying your lawns with cancer causing chemicals! The bees and other pollinators depend on those "weeds", make them happy and yourself healthy by not using them. 

Reduce your consumption! 

Whenever possible, buy used from second hand stores, garage sales, flea markets, etc..., you'll save money, reduce your carbon footprint and hurt the Capitalists who only care about profit. 

Make Salt! 

A reference to Mahatma Gandhi's Salt March where he created salt by evaporation, an act of non-violent civil disobedience against the British who imposed a salt tax on the Indian people. Instead of creating salt, grow your own food, and gift it to neighbors and those in need. Plant food bearing plants and trees everywhere! 

And finally, we need to begin looking at creating new parallel systems of government and economy, the current system owners are never going to change, only revolution will fix the problems we are faced with, but in order for it to work, the majority of people need to accept the idea. I promote self or direct rule, a #DirectDemocracy, where so called "representatives" are removed from the equation. I also advocate for gifting and sharing instead of the competitive trade based economics we have today. Unless we remove these corrupt hierarchies, we will always be subservient to them. 

The time for begging for change is at an end, it is time we create the change, in a positive manner in which others can accept, to fix this problem.