
28 July 2023

The Reptilian Conspiracy Theory

Has everyone heard of the "Reptilian conspiracy theory"? In case you haven't, here's the basis and history of it: It's pretty much a right wing theory, but I wanted to expand on it a bit just as a fun exercise.

So, anyone that is aware of reptiles know they are cold blooded creatures, or at least I hope they do, which means that they prefer hot weather, they do not function well in the cold. The theory goes that these reptile people, or Humans being controlled by reptile people, are in control of government and other high places in our society.

Everyone with me so far?

Now the hard part for right wingers; what if these reptile people want to increase the global temperature by burning fossil fuels so that they are more comfortable and don't need to worry about the cold? They would be terraforming our planet for their use, which would mean the end of us as we die off in a mass extinction event (Humans can't survive in very hot climates). This would explain why those in government refuse to do anything about it and why some of the media promote the idea that this is normal and nothing to worry about.

So, Climate Change or Global Warming is real, and the reptile race is creating it to displace us Humans and inherit the world.

Have a nice day!  

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