
27 January 2015

Your Problems Are Small

Ever feel like problems in life are so big that you can't handle them?  Just take a look at this video to put things in perspective:

This is the Andromeda galaxy and those tiny dots, which are no larger than a spec of dust, are stars (you know, the sun is one of them) and there are 1 trillion of them in that one galaxy.  And get this; there are 200 to 400 billion galaxies (that we know of) in the universe.  That puts the number of stars in the universe around 70 billion trillion.

Not only that, but the universe has been around for over 13 billion years. To put this into perspective, 15 seconds/human lifetime = 100 years/universe age.

Your life and your problems, don't feel quite so big now do they?

But don't let being so small and insignificant get you down because in all of the vastness of time and space, there has never been nor will there ever be another you.  You are unique and beautiful and that is worth more than all of the gold, platinum and diamonds in the universe.